Thursday, February 16, 2017

Home is Where The Anchor Drops

The craziest thing happened one day. I got taken back in time and landed right in the middle of a pirate ship dressed from head to toe like a man. To my amazement I was quickly befriended, if you could even call it friendly, by one of the crew members. He took me underneath where I was sure I was going to become a prisoner and I am not entirely sure how it happened, but he was really a she. We instantly clicked. She was rough around the edges and had no feminine qualities to her. I began to ask her why she acted like a man, but I learned quickly that questioning her decisions was not the best decision. She was offended that I would question her life choices, but continued to open up about how life was for her. Women did not have rights at that time, which she assumed I would already understand her situation given I was supposed to be in the same boat, literally. She did not want to be married off to an older man that her father found fit for her, so she took off to sea. In order to get away with being a crew member, she had to dress and act like a man. She had to fight and prove her strength, but most importantly, she had to keep her true gender a secret. If she were caught, she would face death unless she married, but with her deceit chances were more likely the former. As we tried to have this secretive talk, a lot of chaos broke out above on the deck. The moment she pulled out her sword I knew something was wrong. We ran up to the top, and somehow it was like I was invisible. It was like a dream. I was able to stay hidden entirely. I watched in horror and fascination as full out war broke out between my new pirate friend and the intruders. She fought with the strength, determination, and skill as any of the men on board. Finally, the last intruder fell dead on the ground. Victory for my pirate friend!! As her and her crew mates celebrated, I got brought back to reality. Thinking back to my experience, I am amazed at how she could live the life as a pirate, but more amazed at how she has been able to live as a man without detection. There was not a lot of privacy on that ship, but in a way she gained my respect. She lived the life less travelled, and never let any obstacle get her down. She made her own life, and her own home out at sea.

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